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How to Save Money and Improve Your Divorce Outcome

DJP Solicitors

Divorce is never fun, no matter how amicable it is. However, if you are trying to save money on the process, there are a few important considerations that can reduce the cost of the overall divorce and help you achieve the best outcome.


Here’s all you need to know.

Hire the right solicitor

Hiring a legal expert who is experienced in family law is always going to be your best bet. Not all divorce proceedings are going to take the same course, however, with professional representation you can avoid unnecessary setbacks and have your divorce finalised as quickly and successfully as possible.

Gather your evidence and documents

If you’re well prepared for your divorce then you will have fewer delays and therefore, spend less money on legal fees. An ongoing divorce can be distressing not only for your well-being but your pockets too! Be proactive and seek professional advice to make your divorce as straightforward as possible. Keep all of your documents in a well-organised folder so your solicitor has everything they need to begin proceedings as soon as possible.

Try to reach an agreed settlement

There are lots of things to consider when going through a divorce such as financial agreements and finding the best arrangements for your children. It’s easy to get ahead of yourself and ask for assets and requests that realistically, are going to be difficult to acquire so always think about what’s reasonable. Coming to a settlement will prevent the divorce from going on longer than it needs to and therefore reducing your costs.

Consider a fixed price divorce

Legal changes in 2006 mean that eligible applicants can now obtain a divorce in as little as 2-3 months and avoid hefty legal fees. There are two options available, one for those who have children under the age of 16 and those without although you must meet the requirements to go ahead with proceedings. These fixed-price options are a great way of saving money and finding a quick solution for your divorce. 

At DJP Solicitors in Aberdeen, we offer affordable separation options so you can finalise your marriage under the law of Scotland and move on. We understand how stressful legal procedures can be which is why our team is on hand to support you through every step and find the best outcome for your case. Get in touch with us today for more information about fixed price divorces.

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